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The word shampoo entered the English language from India during the colonial era. It dates to 1762 and originated from the Hindi word chāmpo, derived from the Sanskrit root chapati, which means to press, knead, or soothe. Early shampoos were made by boiling and straining Sapindus (soapberry nut) with dried Indian gooseberry and other herbs. Today, American Natural Blend offers a collection of eight different shampoos with unique natural extracts.
American Natural Blend Collection
ANB Shampoo 30 ml is available in bulk quantities, please contact us for a quote at
(1) Completely saturate your hair with warm, not hot, water.
(2) Squirt a small amount of shampoo into the palm of your hand.
(3) Apply it to your scalp and massage until it lathers.
(4) Work the shampoo through your hair, but pay the most attention to the scalp.
(5) Rinse your hair and scalp completely.